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Me & Jennifer Aniston = Twins

Melissa Moore

Jennifer Aniston and I are twins. I feel that we could be best friends and I should be hanging out with her and Courtney Cox. Not because I’m a Friends fanatic – which I am- but, because we share some dating similarities. We both dated Brad Pitt (ha).

Jen and I are twinsies, because we both are saying no to online dating. Jen recently said in a People interview, "I'm going to just stick to the normal ways of dating. Having someone ask you out. That's the way I would prefer it." Amen sister. Although I recently did ask a guy out. Another story for another day.

I have been asked recently if I’m going to go back on-line to date. No. Not right now and hopefully not in the foreseeable future. No judgment if you're on-line dating, but it hasn't worked for me.

Why is online dating not a good fit for me? First, a lot of people who date online are looking to date numerous people at once. I’m not that girl. I get that maybe that is what ‘dating’ is all about. It’s not what I’m all about.

Another reason I don’t want to meet someone online is because, I feel like preconceived thoughts about me/me about them happen. You see their pictures, read their profile and think you know someone. You don’t. You know what they want you to know.

Meeting someone more organically might just be more work. You have to ask them questions and get to know them from scratch. You might know a little bit from social media, but you don’t have a dossier on them. You don’t know them, which is how most relationships actually start.

When I look at my friendships, I never went looking for them online. I never read up on that person to see if we’d be a good match. We met and put time into getting to know each other. We made it a priority to learn and spend time together. Relationships of any type take work, commitment and time. Dating shouldn't be any different.

When I think of Jennifer Aniston, I would assume that men must be lining up to meet her. When you hear her talk, that doesn’t seem to be the case. What I like is that she is confident, enjoying life and not waiting on someone to make her happy. Once again- spirit sister here.

The other twin moment I’ve had with Jen is her view on marriage. She’s not opposed to it, but said "It's not on my radar. I'm interested in finding a fantastic partner and just living an enjoyable life and having fun with one another.”

Dating, friendship and partnership. Isn’t that what a healthy relationship really looks like anyway? For me, I’m going to continue enjoying my life and being open to whatever may come my way. Maybe Jen and I will be able to go on double dates in the near future.



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